Тексты песен Baccara

Lyrics Baccara

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[ () · Скачать с сервера () ] 10.10.2007, 00:00
Sometimes I think
my life is a dream
for me
the life is a cream
sweet love
and fantasy show.

The time goes on fast
ґt care
If you stay with me, O.K.
I promise be faithful
be romantic
forever and ever you want.

Look my eyes, can you see
that I'
ll never dissappear
ґcause if my bed is full of dreams
my heart is full of love for you.

Tell me why
yo go so far away
and drive me crazy in a crazy world
leaving sadness just for me
I really think that all is doubtful doubt, I know

зi comзa everybody talk...

The sky now is blue
the darkness has stopped, no here
the bright of your love for me
ґt stop please my god

ґs no made for me my way
I do everything in love
I promise be faithful
be romantic
forever and ever you want.
Категория: Lyrics | Добавил: snowyqueen
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