Тексты песен Baccara

Lyrics Baccara

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[ () · Скачать с сервера () ] 25.09.2007, 02:29
Take a man, who´s warm and gentle
Confidential, sentimental.
That´s the guy who´ll open up
Your diamond eyes.
He will be there when you´re cryin´,
Bravely tryin´, self denyin´.
He can wipe the tears from your
Sweet diamond eyes.
Cara Mia mine, the stars are gonna shine forever.
Cara Mia mine, the moon is lookin´ down on you.
Lend your heart, beg, steal or borrow,
Lend your heart again tomorrow,
Cara Mia, why should diamond eyes be blue.
Lady fair, your sigh´s infection
And he´s wishin´ for nights of passion.
Look around and see the world
Through diamond eyes.
Love´s the game, it´s in your favour
It´s got the flavour, for modern behaviour
Take the cards and deal the hand
With diamond eyes.
Cara Mia (Baccara)
Категория: Lyrics | Добавил: snowyqueen
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